You need this, believe me

Does your upper back feel tight ALL THE TIME? If it does, I got your back (pun intended!). Do this quick five-minute stretch and you’ll be feeling better in no time: 

  • Lie down and cross the arms over each other in front of you  — relax the head down. Hold for 6-8 breaths and then cross the arms the other way around. 
  • Next, take the left knee forward, lift the left arm, and reach it open, then bring it back down. Repeat this 6-8 times and then switch to the other side. 

You should be feeling a lot better after this quick routine. If you want to maintain this feeling in your back you’re gonna need to add a flexibility movement routine. But for now, this should help a lot.

Homework: Try this once you have 6 minutes today and let me know how you feel after.

If that helped, you are going to LOVE my brand new Functional Flexibility course. Learn neat little tricks just like this one that’ll have you feeling 10 years younger in just 30 days. All you need is 15 minutes a day and in 30 days’ time…you’ll be wishing you started sooner. 

Are you ready to feel young again and not make noises like your Grandparents every time you get out of a chair? Sign up now.