Are you neglecting this

Do you have back pain? I’ve got a quick fix that can help you to start feeling better in under 6 minutes.

Give these 4 moves a try:

  1. Come to all fours, lift your left hand up so it’s parallel to your ear, and make a fist with the hand. You’re going to move the arm forward and back. Start with the thumb facing up and end with it facing down. Repeat 8-10 times and switch sides.

Thoracic rotations: Sit cross-legged and bring each of your hands to the opposite elbow. Keep the pelvis stable as you rotate through the upper back, bringing the elbow over the opposite knee. Turn to the other side and repeat 8-10 times per side.

3. Supine arm lifts: Lie down on your stomach, forehead on the ground. Bend the arms to 90 degrees. Alternate lifting up each hand, keeping the elbow on the ground. Lift as high as you can. Repeat 8-10 times per side.

4. Cobra: Hold this pose for a few breaths to target both the shoulders and back. 

Homework: Do these exercises first thing in the morning tomorrow. You’ll feel a difference throughout your day. 

If that helped, you are going to LOVE my brand new Functional Flexibility course. Learn neat little tricks just like this one that’ll have you feeling 10 years younger in just 30 days. All you need is 15 minutes a day and in 30 days time…you’ll be wishing you started sooner.